Full Name
Anuja Gupta

Anuja Gupta hasnt written anything here yet
How to help each other in this difficult time

How can each one contributes in this pandemic scenario?

Hi friends, as we know a single person can create a history. A single cell has a potential to give birth to life than e humans always get afraid in the crucial .....
1 min read
Why is digital existence important ? poster displaying a person typing on laptop and having a pencil with notepad i guess.

Why is it important to have digital existence?

The digital shift started a decade but suddenly there is a boom in the IT industry. The shift of users to online is making it necessary for every business to ha.....
2 min read
Helalth and Fitne

Health & fitness

Although the awareness for health and fitness is on rise but this pandemic has made it more vital for children, students, and teenagers to give extra care towar.....
3 min read